Attitude? what comes to your mind when you hear the word attitude ?. According to Wikipedia attitude is a psychological construct, a mental and emotional entity that inheres in or characterizes as a person. And I think these has something corellated with the activity we've done last Wednesday in Media and Information Literacy We were asked by our teacher to bring a Post-it/stick notes then we were instructed to write your different impressions about your classmates or a word that best describes them as a person. It was our chance to write a letter to our classmate what we want to tell them, what we may think about them , maybe a chance to tell your crush what you feel about him/her. Then we wrote a letter in each every one inside the classroom including our subject teacher . And we were able to accomplish it in 30-40 minutes. After the activity we were randomly picked by Sr. Haren our subject teacher to present every sticky note we have. It was fun h...