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Attitude? what comes to your mind when  you hear the word attitude ?. According to Wikipedia attitude is a psychological construct, a mental and emotional entity that inheres in or characterizes as a person. And I think these has something corellated with the activity we've done last Wednesday in  Media and Information Literacy

We were asked by our teacher to bring a Post-it/stick notes then we were instructed to write your different impressions about your classmates or a word that best describes them as a person. It was our chance to write a letter to our classmate what we want to tell them, what we may think about them , maybe a chance to tell your crush what you feel about him/her. Then we wrote a letter in each every one inside the classroom including our subject teacher . And we were able to accomplish it in 30-40

After the activity we were randomly picked by Sr. Haren our subject teacher to present every sticky note we have. It was fun hearing different impression written by your classmate even though its a sensitive comment or not , it gives us an opportunity on what others sees about you , knowing  ones different perspective, by that it helps me realize is that, what we show is what they''ll  see and think about you, if you show them a good characteristic you''ll have a positive feedback coming from them , show them a negative attitude or personality neverthless expect the same outcome, that's why personally I think that attitude is important in every one of us.

More or less it was a fun filled activity more like a team building that helps our personality development as a group and as a classmate.


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