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Free Media VS Controlled Media

In this activity we did a debate between Free Media vs Controlled Media I was assigned in the group of  Free Media, we were given one hour to research and prepare for our defense and to justify our topic, after the preparation it its time for our debate. Throughout the debate there was a tension and a good justify answers were given to each sides as a result it was a tie, but Sr Haren told us to get one representative from each group for the finale debate which happens Controlled media to be the winner, within this debate I learned that there are similarities and differences between the two in terms of its context in a way free media.
 Freedom of the press or freedom of the media the principle that communication and expression through various media, including printed and electronic media, especially published materials, should be considered a right to be exercised freely.And Controlled Media are the kind that can be created and controlled by the firm such as advertisement, speeches, paid programs, and employee newsletters. Uncontrolled media are the kind that cannot be controlled by the firm such as television, radio, and newspapers.


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